
Exam Routine for Bachelors Level 4th/6th Semester

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Exam Routine for Bachelors Level 4th/6th Semester


Mid-West University, Office of the Examinations Management Office, Surkhet, Nepal has made an announcement regarding the Examination ROUTINE for the students from the Bachelor’s Level, Bachelor of Education, BSc, BSc CSIT, Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Business Administration, BTTM, BHM, and Bachelor of Arts reading in the 4th and 6th Semester.

The notice was posted on 2022-09-12.


View the attached images of the Exam Routine for Bachelors Level 4th/6th Semester below:

Bachelor of Education (BEd) 4th/ 6th Semester

Bachelor of Science (BSc) & Bachelor of Science in Computer of Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT)4th/6th Semester

Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM), Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM) 4th/6th Semester

Bachelor of Arts (BA) 4th/6th Semester

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