
Retotaling Exam Results OF Zoology 2nd Semester, B.Sc CSIT 8th Semester, and BIT 4th Semester, B.Sc CSIT 6th Semester

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Retotaling Exam Results OF Zoology 2nd Semester, B.Sc CSIT 8th Semester, and BIT 4th Semester, B.Sc CSIT 6th Semester


This is to inform you that the re-totaling EXAM RESULTS for Zoology 2nd Semester, B.Sc CSIT 8th Semester, and BIT 4th Semester, B.Sc CSIT 6th Semester have been officially published by the Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology

This notice was published on 21st of April (9th of Baisakh, 2080).


Read the pdf of zoology 2nd Semester below.

Read the pdf of B.Sc CSIT 8th Semester below.

Read the pdf of BIT 4th Semester below.

Read the pdf of B.Sc CSIT 6th Semester below.

We urge you to check your re-totaling exam results promptly by visiting the official website of Tribhuvan University or contacting the Institute of Science and Technology. In case of any discrepancies or concerns regarding your results, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant authorities for clarification or resolution.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to seek guidance from the Institute of Science and Technology, professors, or academic advisors.

We wish you the best of luck in your academic pursuits.

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