
2022 Chance Exam Form Filling for Bachelor 7th Sem

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2022 Chance Exam Form Filling for Bachelor 7th Sem


Mid-Western University, Office of the Examination Management, Surkhet, Nepal has published a notice concerning the Form Filling Details for the CHANCE Examination of the academic year 2022 A.D. for those students reading in the Bachelors Level 7th Semester from Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)/Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), BE Civil/Computer/Hydropower, B.Sc., B.Sc. CSIT.

The notice was posted on 2079 Bhadra 15.

Do fill out the Online Chance Exam Form from the website;


View the attached image to see, 2022 Chance Exam Form Filling for Bachelor 7th Sem:

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