
Barbardia Municipality Directs Public Schools to not charge any fees

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Barbardia Municipality Directs Public Schools to not charge any fees


Barbardia Municipality of Bardia has issued a directive instructing community schools within the city to refrain from charging any fees under any circumstances.

In a notification issued after the completion of the SEE (Secondary Education Examination) portal for the year 2023, the municipality reminded schools that basic education at the primary level is compulsory and free, while education up to the secondary level has been declared free as well. The municipality has explicitly instructed schools not to charge any fees.

Tikanath Gosai, the head of the education, youth, and sports development branch, stated that the municipality’s directive aligns with the provisions outlined in the Compulsory and Free Education Act of 2075 and the Regulations on Compulsory and Free Education of 2077.

To ensure compliance with the directive, the municipality has warned that any school found charging fees in violation of the instructions will face legal consequences in accordance with the existing laws.

The objective of this action taken by Barbardia Municipality is to guarantee that education remains within reach and financially feasible for all students under its authority.

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