Purbanchal University Notice

Form Submission 2078/079

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Purbanchal University, Faculty of Engineering/ Faculty of Management, Office of the Examination Management has published notice by making an announcement on information related to the Examination Registration Form Submission for the students of the 2021 Regular Examination reading up on;

  1. BE (Civil/ Computer/ E&C/ Electrical/Geomatic/Biomedical), B. Architecture:- [2nd/ 4th/ 6th/ 8th & 10th Sem]
  2. BBA/ BTTS/ BFDM:- [2nd/ 4th/ 6th & 8th Sem]
  3. MBA :- [ 1st/ 2nd/ 4th (Fall), 3rd (Spring)], MPA:- [1st/ 2nd/ 4th (Fall), 2nd/ 3rd (Sp)], MTS:-  [1st/ 3rd] Sem and MHHM:- [3rd Sem]

The notice was posted on 2078/12/17, Thursday.


View detailed information regarding the respective notice on the image of the original notice published by PU presented course wise below:

  • BE (Civil/ Computer/ E&C/ Electrical/Geomatic/Biomedical), B. Architecture:

Source: PU (FOE)

  • BBA (Bachelors in Business Administration)/ BTTS (Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Studies)/ BFDM (Bachelor of Fashion Design & Management):

Source: PU (FOM)

  • MBA (Masters in Business Administration), MPA (Masters in Public Administration), MTS (Multi Tasking Staff), MHHM (Master of Hospitality Management):

Source: PU (FOM)

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