
Fun Things To Do if You are Single on Valentine’s Day

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Why should the couples have all the fun? Valentine’s might just be the world’s worst holiday for singles but it is only if you let it be. We all are well aware that Valentine’ celebrates love but the dominance of the couples posting and celebrating with their partners prick a little (maybe a little more) to our single hearts. So here is a list of things for us singles to do on Valentine’s Day,

Plan an Anti-Valentine’s Party. Gather your single friends or find the nearby singles and PARTAYYYY.

Night-Out with Friends. If partying for a little doesn’t fill up your heart with joy, do it the entire Night. Visit clubs, visit restaurants, go around town finding new places and new things to try.

Go shopping. Discounts and offers are all over the market targeted at couples. But it is not necessary that only they get to take the advantage of it. Couple sets? More like Buy one get one free?

But if group activities aren’t your thing then Stay in and Pamper Yourself. Pampering yourself with new skincare or your 20-step I shall be happy today ritual, just make sure to make yourself feel the best with your self-care activities.

Go on a Movie Marathon. Movies are never a bummer. Pick a random movie or re-watch your all-time favourite.

Cook a New Dish. Been longing to try and cook a new dish you’ve been eyeing for a long time? Valentine’s is the Day. Try to make it and share it with your family and friends.

Get a Take Out. The best part about takeouts – you don’t have to look at the lovey-dovey couples in the restaurants and you get to have your favourite food cosy in your home.

Adopt a New Pet. Share your love with a new friend. Boyfriends and Girlfriends may come and go but Pets will always be your true love.

Get a New Plant. If you think pets might just be too much responsibility, then PLANTS are the way to go. They are amusing to raise and just are a very beautiful decoration to your home.

Visit a Psychic. Believer or not, visiting a Psychic will always be fun. They might help you get clarification for a few things or might become a funny topic to talk about the psychic experience.

Read a book. Have a book lying around that you haven’t started yet? Or got some crazy recommendations? Get on with the book, READ. That book might become your All-time Favourite.

Social Media Detox. A day off of social media is what all of us want, this might just be the day to do so. You might not get the daily dose of what influencers are doing but on the brighter side, you don’t have to look at the lovey-dovey kinds of stuff everyone posts.

Sleep. How long has it been since you’ve not had a good rest? Take the advantage of this day and just take a good rest. SLEEP.




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