
MSc Ag 2022 Final Thesis Hard Copy Submission

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MSc Ag 2022 Final Thesis Hard Copy Submission


Agriculture and Forestry University, Faculty of Agriculture, Office of the Dean, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal has made a publication for the students from the Master of Science in Agriculture (M.Sc. Ag) regarding the Submission of the Thesis Defense Hard Copy.

Students from M.Sc. Ag must strictly submit the hardcopy Thesis Defense by 2079 Mangsir 15.

Note: It is mandatory for students to complete the course by the mentioned deadline if they fail to do so, students will have to repeat the semester.

The notice was published on 2079 Kartik 25.


Here is the image of the MSc Ag 2022 Final Thesis Hard Copy Submission in the image provided below:

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