
High Dropout Rates in Rolpa Due to Lack of Interest from Stakeholders

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Educational news in Nepal

High Dropout Rates in Rolpa Due to Lack of Interest from Stakeholders


Rolpa, a district in Nepal, is facing high dropout rates among students due to a lack of interest from stakeholders. Poverty, lack of professional education, and parent’s inability to provide financial support are some of the major factors contributing to the issue.

Statistics show alarming dropout rates in different municipalities in Rolpa, with as many as 21.79% of students dropping out in Triveni Rural Municipality.

Stakeholders such as the headmaster of Balkalyan Naamal Secondary School and the Mayor of Rolpa Municipality have expressed concern and urged for necessary steps to be taken.

To address the issue, stakeholders should work together to raise awareness about the importance of education, provide financial aid and scholarships to underprivileged students, and focus on practical education and training for job preparation.

It is recommended that stakeholders conduct investigations, encourage parental support, provide vocational training, and create awareness campaigns.

Yes, by implementing these measures, the education system in Rolpa can be improved, and more students can be motivated to continue their studies and graduate from school. This will not only benefit the students themselves but also their families and the community as a whole.

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