
Several Bombs were found in East Rukum

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Sisne Rural Municipality-2. Several bombs were found in a black drum inside a cave in the forest of Burkesalla, East Rukum.

Police Chief Ganesh Shrestha reported Nepal Army Bomb Disposal team led by Narsingh Dal Gulma had disposed of the bombs. “The team had to dispose the entire drum. It had 6-7 bombs in it.

According to the police, the bombs were put in a sack and then kept inside the drum. The bombs could have been from the time during the People’s War.

The bombs were discovered by a local who went to the forest around 5 to herd his animals. The local had reported the incident to Jeevan KC, Chairman of the Ward-2 of Sisne Rural Municipality. It was the Chairman who informed the police on the spot.

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