
Abolishment of SEE: A Threat to Quality Education and University Admissions

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The School Education Bill 2080 BS, which proposes to abolish the Secondary Education Examination (SEE), has caused controversy among educators and stakeholders.

School education bil


The SEE is a standardized national exam that is used for university admissions, and many believe that abolishing it will lead to a decline in the quality of school education.

Government school teachers have been protesting against the bill, arguing that it will put public schools at a disadvantage. They say that without a standardized exam, it will be difficult to maintain educational quality and ensure that students are prepared for university.

Some educators have also expressed concern that abolishing the SEE will weaken the university admission base. They say that without a SEE score, universities will have difficulty assessing the academic preparedness of applicants. This could lead to students being admitted to programs that they are not qualified for, or to students being denied admission to programs that they are qualified for.

Others argue that abolishing the SEE will increase pressure on students. They say that students may feel pressured to study more independently in order to prepare for the SEE if it is conducted at the school level. This could lead to increased stress and anxiety.

On the other hand, The government is seen defending its decision to abolish the SEE, arguing that it will give schools more autonomy and allow them to tailor their curricula to the needs of their students. The government also says that the SEE is too stressful for students and that it does not accurately measure their learning.

However, many educators and stakeholders remain unconvinced. They believe that abolishing the SEE is a risky move that can have serious consequences for the quality of school education in Nepal. Read more: here

Stay tuned for more updates! – GURUBAA