
Action taken Against Illegally Operated Colleges- BMC

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Birgunj Metropolitan City BMC is sealing down on illegally operated educational institutions. In its latest action, the metropolis has sealed two more colleges, Annapurna College in Ward Number 16 and Universal Academy College in Ward Number 11.

Government Officials

The action comes after a team from the metropolis found that the colleges were operating without the required permissions. Annapurna College was found to be operating without a college registration certificate, while Universal Academy College was found to be operating without a building permit.

The colleges have been ordered to close until they obtain the necessary permissions. The metropolis has also warned that further action will be taken against any other educational institutions found to be operating illegally.

The action by Birgunj Metropolitan City is a positive step towards ensuring that all educational institutions in the city are operating legally. It is hoped that this will help to improve the quality of education in the city and protect students from exploitation.