Exam Centers

BCA Exam Center 2080-Tribhuvan University

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Balkhu, has officially published the entrance examination centers for Bachelors in Computer Application (BCA) for the academic year 2080.

Faculty of Management removebg preview

Key Details About BCA Examination:

Examination Date: On Ashwin 20, 2080 (Saturday)

Examination Time: 1 p.m to 3 p.m.


The above pdf includes the names of the colleges and the exam center for the students published by Tribhuvan University. So, we request everyone to check carefully where your exam center is. And Finally Best of Luck with your tomorrow exams! Good luck.

View the admission notice, here: https://gurubaa.com/bca-entrance-exam-2080-tu/

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