
Tribhuvan University’s Budget Deficit Exceeds 26 Billion

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Tribhuvan University’s total budget has surpassed 26 billion rupees. The budget for the financial year 2080-81 is Rs. 26 billion 24 million 94 lakh 55 thousand. This is an increase of Rs. 2 billion 42 crores from the previous year.

Tribhuvan University Logo

The university is facing a shortage of funds and is requesting a grant from the government of Nepal. The university has proposed a budget of Rs. 13 billion 96 crore 54 lakh 95 thousand for the regular program. Out of this, Rs. 1 billion 44 crore 33 lakh 29 thousand will be funded from the university’s internal revenue. The remaining Rs. 12 billion 52 crore 21 lakh 66 thousand will be requested as a grant from the government.

Tribhuvan University’s Budget

The university has also proposed a budget of Rs. 1 billion 375 million for development programs. This includes funding for new buildings, research projects, and scholarships.

The university is hoping that the government will approve its budget request. If the budget is not approved, the university will have to cut back on its academic and research activities.

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